Credit Course Schedules
Art - Spring 2025
Term Definitions
- In Person
- Classes meet in person on campus; specific days/times/location
- Online - Asynchronous
- Classes meet fully online; no specific days/times/locations
- Online - Synchronous (Zoom)
- Classes meet via Zoom or other resource; specific days/times
- Hybrid - Online Asynchronous & Online Synchronous (Zoom)
- A portion of the classes meet synchronous via Zoom or other resource and a portion is asynchronous online; there will be some specific days/times
- Hybrid - Online & In-person
- A portion of the classes meet in person on campus and a portion is asynchronous or synchronous online; there will be some specific days/times/locations
- Hybrid - Online Asynchronous & In Person
- Classes meet in both asynchronous online and in-person modes; specific meeting times and locations for in-person portions of classes are listed with each course
- Hybrid - Online Synchronous (Zoom) & In Person
- Classes meet in both synchronous online (Zoom) and in-person modes; specific meeting times and locations are listed with each course
- Hyflex
- Combines online and face-to-face instruction. Students may participate in different ways: online - synchronous, online - asynchronous, face-to-face, or as a flexible learner (student has a degree of choice as to how they participate each week).
- Flex
- Flex courses may provide students with the opportunity to meet in-person on campus, on the synchronous days and times already scheduled, if conditions allow.
- Imputed credits
- Imputed credits are developmental courses for students who need to prepare themselves for college-level work. They count toward financial aid requirements but do not count toward earned college credits or GPA.
- Interactive TV
- Classes are taught live from one campus location and broadcast to one or more additional campus locations. Cameras and microphones at all sites allow faculty and learners to see and talk with each other.
Students will further develop visual awareness and drawing skills in dry media with some wet media and in black and white with some color emphasis. Students perform object drawing, large scale drawing, media exploration, life drawing, and some portrait drawing. The human figure in well-designed compositions is emphasized. Prerequisite: ART 1510. Institutional Course Syllabus
Artworks-COCE UP | ||
Jan 21 – May 16 | Tue, Thu | 3:30 pm – 5:25 pm |
Students will explore two-dimensional design problems through controlled and experimental sequences of exercises in drawing, abstract black and white composition, and basic color theory and its application to design. Emphasis is placed upon developing a student?s personal appreciation and creative expression rather than professional skill. Students will learn ways of expressing themselves creatively through two-dimensional space through the exploration of visual design elements such as line, form, scale, color, texture as well as explore design principles of surface organization such as repetition, balance, rhythm, variety, and emphasis. Students will learn to mix a calibrated range of tones and colors and gain experience using value, hue and saturation with paint and collage. This course fosters the utilization of intuitive judgements of serious play. No requisites. J fall. Institutional Course Syllabus
Artworks-COCE UP | ||
Jan 21 – May 16 | Tue, Thu | 10:15 am – 12:10 pm |
Students will experience studio activities which will help them understand and manipulate visual elements and principles while creating three-dimensional forms. Students will work in a variety of visual media with emphasis on selection of materials to promote concepts, and will experience basic fabrication techniques in the visual arts. Critical evaluation and discussion of projects is an integral part of the course. No requisites. J spring. Institutional Course Syllabus
Artworks-COCE UP | ||
Jan 24 – May 16 | Fri | 9:30 am – 1:20 pm |
Students will gain a working knowledge of fundamental and advanced studio work in clay preparation, hand building, throwing, mold making, slip casting, glaze preparation, decorating techniques, and firing techniques. No requisites. J fall, spring. Institutional Course Syllabus
Artworks-COCE DOWN | ||
Jan 22 – May 16 | Mon, Wed | 3:30 pm – 5:25 pm |
Students will build upon previous studio course experiences in advanced studio production courses under art faculty supervision. Students who have completed the basic and intermediate (as applicable) courses in drawing, ceramics, photography, electronic arts, design or painting, may register for one, two, or three hours of credit per semester in a studio course in that medium. Students are expected to spend two hours in studio work each week for each credit hour anticipated. Studio problem courses are student initiated with each student, together with the faculty member, creating an acceptable course outline and evaluation process for the work of the semester. In some cases, a group studio problem experience may be initiated by visual arts faculty. Students achieving 12 credit hours in art studio problems must obtain permission from the arts and humanities dean to take additional coursework (for credit) in art. Prerequisite: One studio art course in the concentration area. J occasionally. Institutional Course Syllabus
Artworks-COCE DOWN | ||
Jan 21 – May 16 | Tue, Thu | 10:15 am – 12:10 pm |
Students will build upon previous studio course experiences in advanced studio production courses under art faculty supervision. Students who have completed the basic and intermediate (as applicable) courses in drawing, ceramics, photography, electronic arts, design or painting, may register for one, two, or three hours of credit per semester in a studio course in that medium. Students are expected to spend two hours in studio work each week for each credit hour anticipated. Studio problem courses are student initiated with each student, together with the faculty member, creating an acceptable course outline and evaluation process for the work of the semester. In some cases, a group studio problem experience may be initiated by visual arts faculty. Students achieving 12 credit hours in art studio problems must obtain permission from the arts and humanities dean to take additional coursework (for credit) in art. Prerequisite: One studio art course in the concentration area. J occasionally. Institutional Course Syllabus
Artworks-COCE DOWN | ||
Jan 24 – May 16 | Fri | 9:30 am – 1:20 pm |
Students will be introduced to graphic design concepts and skills as a form of visual communication. Fundamentals of language and principles of graphic design structure with an emphasis on media for development of ideas and imagery. Students will research, create thumbnails, refine sketches, and work up visual solutions, integrating these components into their design projects. Students focus on the details of page composition and the relationship of space to clarity, legibility and aesthetics. No requisite. J fall, spring. Institutional Course Syllabus
Artworks-COCE DOWN | ||
Jan 22 – May 16 | Mon, Wed | 10:15 am – 12:10 pm |
Expanding on visual communication processes covered in Graphic Design I, students develop concepts and create word/image relationships in a variety of formats. History of graphic design and exploration of current design trends are further explored. Students will consider the role of the audience and diverse perspectives. Integration of digital and traditional studio techniques are encouraged. Prerequisite: ART 1730. J fall, spring. Institutional Course Syllabus
Artworks-COCE DOWN | ||
Jan 21 – May 16 | Tue, Thu | 10:15 am – 12:10 pm |
Students receive on-the-job experience consisting of between 45 and 135 hours of supervised activity in a local business or industry. Students work in conjunction with a faculty mentor and a supervisor at the job site. All guidelines in the original college internship policy will be followed. Prerequisite: completion of at least 12 college-level credits with a GPA of 2.0 or better. J occasionally; C occasionally. Institutional Course Syllabus
Off-Campus | ||
Jan 21 – May 14 | TBD |
Students receive on-the-job experience consisting of between 45 and 135 hours of supervised activity in a local business or industry. Students work in conjunction with a faculty mentor and a supervisor at the job site. All guidelines in the original college internship policy will be followed. Prerequisite: completion of at least 12 college-level credits with a GPA of 2.0 or better. J occasionally; C occasionally. Institutional Course Syllabus
Off-Campus | ||
Jan 21 – May 14 | TBD |
Students receive on-the-job experience consisting of between 45 and 135 hours of supervised activity in a local business or industry. Students work in conjunction with a faculty mentor and a supervisor at the job site. All guidelines in the original college internship policy will be followed. Prerequisite: completion of at least 12 college-level credits with a GPA of 2.0 or better. J occasionally; C occasionally. Institutional Course Syllabus
Off-Campus | ||
Feb 24 – May 14 | TBD |
Students will be introduced to concepts and basic principles of designing in time and develop an awareness of time-based problems with a sensitivity to the tools of time-based media, including video editing software. Projects explore contemporary practices in photography, video, media literacy, and socially engaged art. Prerequisite/Corerequisite: ART 1670, ART 2550, or CMM 1710. J fall, spring. Institutional Course Syllabus
Artworks-COCE UP | ||
Jan 22 – May 16 | Mon, Wed | 5:30 pm – 7:20 pm |
Students will be introduced to animation as a contemporary art and design form. Students will use Adobe Creative Software or Blender in addition to emerging software to create standalone and interactive animations based upon a story or theme. The course will begin with an introduction to the history, types and basic principles of animation as well as an overview of animation software. Students will continue to develop skills through concept-based assignments. Prerequisite/Corequisite: ART 1510. J fall, spring. Institutional Course Syllabus
Artworks-COCE DOWN | ||
Jan 22 – May 16 | Mon, Wed | 1:30 pm – 3:25 pm |
Students will focus on the process of preparing a professional portfolio to present to potential employers, transfer schools and art professionals. This hands-on course is designed for students interested in pursuing a career in art, design or creative fields. Students will create a new body of art or design work in their chosen concentration (painting and drawing, photography and related media, video, printmaking, ceramic/sculpture, computer art, and graphic design). Throughout the course, students will learn how to organize, present and talk about their work as well as prepare resumes and artist statements. It is strongly recommended that students take this course the semester prior to applying to transfer institutions or before applying for jobs. Prerequisite: At least one ART studio course. J fall, spring. Institutional Course Syllabus
Artworks-COCE UP | ||
Jan 22 – May 16 | Mon, Wed | 10:15 am – 12:10 pm |
Students will explore the historical, formal and conceptual aspects of photography and develop ideas and images through a combination of lectures, demonstrations, reading and writing assignments, projects and critiques. This studio art course will emphasize the philosophical and technical relationship between the camera and the computer while introducing film photography. The darkroom, film and digital cameras, scanners, image processing software and digital printers will be used to create expressive work. Prerequisite: ART 1670. Institutional Course Syllabus
Artworks-COCE DOWN | ||
Jan 21 – May 16 | Tue, Thu | 1:30 pm – 3:25 pm |
Students will demonstrate further development of skills with potter's wheel, hand building methods, glazing, decoration techniques, and kiln operations. Wheel throwing and pottery skill development will be emphasized throughout the course. Prerequisite: ART 1590. J occasionally. Institutional Course Syllabus
Artworks-COCE DOWN | ||
Jan 22 – May 16 | Mon, Wed | 3:30 pm – 5:25 pm |
This introductory course offers students a hands-on exploration of ceramics, focusing on fundamental techniques and creative expression without requiring prior art experience. Through projects involving hand-building, wheel-throwing, and glazing, students will learn essential skills for working with clay, while gaining an understanding of form, function, and surface treatment. The course also introduces historical and cultural contexts of ceramics, highlighting how this art form has been used across civilizations. Emphasis will be placed on the development of personal style, problem-solving, and creative thinking. This course is designed for non-art majors interested in expanding their artistic knowledge and practical skills. No previous art experience required. No requisites. Institutional Course Syllabus
Artworks-COCE DOWN | ||
Jan 22 – May 16 | Tue, Thu | 1:30 pm – 3:25 pm |
Students will continue the process of preparing a professional portfolio to present to potential employers, transfer schools and art professionals. This hands-on course is designed for students interested in pursuing a career in art, design or creative fields. Students will further develop a body of art or design work in their chosen concentration (painting and drawing, photography and related media, video, printmaking, ceramic/sculpture, computer art, and graphic design). Throughout the course, students will learn how to organize, present and talk about their work as well as prepare resumes and artist statements. It is strongly recommended that students take this course the semester prior to applying to transfer institutions or before applying for jobs. Prerequisite: ENG 1510 and at east one studio art course. Institutional Course Syllabus
Artworks-COCE UP | ||
Jan 22 – May 16 | Mon, Wed | 10:15 am – 12:10 pm |